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City News

Over 1000 rally around State Capitol for Immigration Reform

AALAC Staff from L to R: Exec. Director Helen Kim Ho, Intern Natalie Phan, Development and Communications Coordinator Julia Shyu, and Program Director Alice Kim.

ATLANTA, GA:  At 10:30 AM on April 10, more than 1000 people rallied around the State Capitol in support for Immigration Reform. Asian American Legal Advocacy Center (AALAC) was one of 40 organizations who participated in the march, which was a part of a nationwide call demanding a legal path to citizenship and an end to deportations.

 The March was specifically designed to call for immigration reform at the federal level and put a stop to the state’s anti-immigrant practices, asking Governor Deal to veto SB160.
While the immigration debate occurs in Congress, immigrants in Georgia are pushing to stop what they call a history of discriminatory practices aimed to fill a deportation quota set by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Across the state, police/ICE collaboration programs and Georgia’s HB87 have resulted in police use of checkpoints and profiling that march organizers want to see ended.
Diverse and multicultural communities rallied and marched for citizenship and inclusion demanding “Not one more deportation!”, “Stop tearing apart our families!”, and pass immigration reform now.

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