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You need meditation to give life to your life: Archna Didi

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Atlanta, GA, October 3, 2017: Archna Didi was in town to “share her experiences in meditation” with Atlantans, as she put it, at the Impact Conference Center in Global Mall on September 17th and 18. The workshop was hosted by Shiv Aggarwal, owner of Global Mall.

Speaking to members of the media on the sidelines of her workshop, “Stress free meditation, the gateway to physical, mental and spiritual excellence”, the meditation guru answered questions about the importance of meditating, finding a satguru and about Celebrating Life Foundation, a wellness and spiritual organization that she runs.

Her personal journey.

I was four years old when I started to meditate on my own. Eventually I met my Satguru who led me to enlightenment, and commanded me to go forward and share my experiences, my Ananda (bliss) with others. Since then, I have been traveling the world, organizing workshops, sharing what I have experienced with fellow beings.

The importance of meditation.

If you want to give life to your life, you need meditation. Right now we are living, we are breathing, but that is not life. Meditation is knowing yourself. The technique hardly matters- you can either focus on your breath, on a light source or chant mantras- it is the end goal that matters, which is to truly know yourself.

The reasons for modern day stress.

We are fighting stress on the outside, while the real reasons are inside you. Once you recognize that the problem is inside you, finding a cure through meditation is easy.

When you practice meditation, you automatically learn to balance your personal and professional lives. You stop your inner and outer battles and start smiling. You will see the right from the wrong and make good decisions. Even an alcoholic will find no need to battle his addiction. He will simply give it up once he starts to meditate.

Finding the right meditation guru

You need a satguru, not a teacher. A satguru is someone who has experienced bliss and can hold your hand and guide you into having that experience.

As for finding the right satguru, I think you should concentrate on being the right shishya (student). The problem in spirituality is that we only focus on finding the right guru, rather than focusing on ourselves. When you focus on being the right shishya, the right guru will find his/her way to you.

Chakras and Kundalini awakening

I teach all types of meditation including chakra meditation. Chakras are the seven energy centers in your body. When you focus on those subtle energy points, they open and attract cosmic energy inside your body. Each chakra is related to glands, organs, and even your behavior. When the chakra opens, it is like the blossoming of the flower. However, in chakra meditation you need to balance chakras and that is why you need a satguru. Balancing of chakras not only removes blockages, illnesses, stress and depression but brings out the hidden potential of an individual.

All ailments can be cured through chakra sadhana. It is like the kalpa vriksha (divine wish fulfilling tree).

Celebrating Life Foundation

I started the Celebrating life Foundation seven years ago to share my experiences in meditation. I travel the world and do social work. The foundation supports orphanages, old age homes, handicapped and blind children. We have tree plantation drives, and blood donation camps to benefit the army. I have held workshops for army and police officers.

Why does she travel the world?

The world over, we have forgotten who we are. Ananda (bliss) is basic to each of us, and we can all have it. I want to share what I have experienced with the world, because geographic boundaries are not inside you. They are outside things. When you meditate, you realize that all the universe is one, and that universe is inside you.

Was it harder to be taken seriously as a woman meditation guru.

No. It hardly matters to me if the other person is taking me seriously or not. I am not here to impress others. I have something that I want to share. If the other person is serious he will get it. If he is not, it does not matter.

I want my Atlanta community to do better…we can all do better…I used to have low energy level, but since I started doing this living in present moment…first lesson she teaches…if you are eating, just enjoy the food, the texture, ..taking shower…be aware…I am talking to you, I am only talking to you…I go the seed..i want to see 10,000 people sitting benefitting from this…

Speaking to NRI Pulse, Shiv Aggarwal who hosted the workshop said he hoped the community would benefit from Archna Didi’s meditation techniques, as much as he had. “I used to have low energy, but ever since I started meditating, I am feeling better. I am living in the present moment- when I am eating, I am just enjoying the texture and taste of the food. When I am talking to you, I am aware of the moment, and only talking to you.”

He said Archna Didi would be back next year with more workshops.

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