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Trump stokes Kamala Harris ‘birther’ theory

Washington, Aug 14 (IANS) President Donald Trump said he has heard Democratic running mate Kamala Harris “doesn’t qualify” to serve as US vice-president, amplifying a fringe legal theory critics decry as racist.

Harris was born to a Jamaican father and Indian mother in Oakland, California, on 20 October 1964.

But a constitutional law professor has questioned her eligibility.

For years, Trump promoted a false “birther” theory that President Barack Obama was not born in the US.

At Thursday’s press conference, Trump was asked about the argument against Harris, who is a California senator, the BBC reported.

The Republican president said: “I just heard it today that she doesn’t meet the requirements and by the way the lawyer that wrote that piece is a very highly qualified, very talented lawyer.

“I have no idea if that’s right. I would have assumed the Democrats would have checked that out before she gets chosen to run for vice-president.

“But that’s a very serious… you’re saying that, they’re saying that she doesn’t qualify because she wasn’t born in this country.”

The reporter replied there was no question that Harris was born in the US, simply that her parents might not have been legal permanent residents at that time.

Earlier on Thursday, a Trump campaign adviser, Jenna Ellis, reposted a tweet from the head of conservative group Judicial Watch, Tim Fitton.

In that tweet, Fitton questioned whether Harris was “ineligible to be Vice President under the US Constitution’s ‘Citizenship Clause'”.

He also shared an opinion piece published in Newsweek magazine by John Eastman, a law professor at Chapman University in California.

Prof Eastman cites Article II of the US Constitution’s wording that “no person except a natural born citizen… shall be eligible to the office of President”.

He also points out that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution says “all persons born… in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens”.

Prof Eastman argument hinges on the theory that Harris may not have been subject to US jurisdiction if her parents were, for example, on student visas at the time of their daughter’s birth in California.

However, another constitutional law expert told CBS News, the BBC’s US partner, that Prof Eastman’s argument was “truly silly”.

Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of Berkeley Law School, wrote in an email: “Under section 1 of the 14th Amendment, anyone born in the United States is a United States citizen.

“The Supreme Court has held this since the 1890s. Kamala Harris was born in the United States.”


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Kamala Devi Harris has deftly melded her dominant African American identity with that of her Indian background as a Tamil to create the evergreen American classic of the immigrant dream. Born in the US to immigrants, cancer researcher Shyamala Gopalan from India and economics professor Donald Harris from Jamaica, Harris has leaped in a generation to running for a position that could put her a heartbeat away from the presidency. She wrote in her memoir, “The Truths We Hold,” that she was raised in “a place where people believed in the most basic tenet of the American Dream: that if you worked hard and do right by the world, your kids will be better of than you were.” On Tuesday Joe Biden, who is to be the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate, announced that she would be on his ticket at the nominee for vice president. Her multiracial background – which includes a layer of a White Jewish husband, Douglas Emhoff, and two step children – gives her a degree of identity fluidity to navigate American society riven by race and ethnicity. After her parents divorced when she was only seven, Harris was brought up by her mother, whom she has described as “tough and fierce and protective” yet “generous and loyal and funny,” and credits her for her success. In her memoir, “The Truths We Hold,” Harris wrote that the lesson “it was service to others that gave life purpose and meaning” that she inherited from her mother came from her grandmother Rajam, who had not completed high school but was a fiery protector of victims of domestic abuse. Moving from New Delhi to Berkeley for her PhD in the tumultuous era of the 1960s civil rights movements, Shyamala Gopalan joined the protests “with a sense of justice imprinted on her soul,” Harris wrote. Her relationship with fellow-activist Donald Harris grew under the clamor of the protests and Kamala Harris recalls, “My parents often brought me in a stroller with them to civil rights marches.” Full report on our website. Link in bio. #kamalaharris #bidenharris2020 #kamaladeviharris

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