NRI Pulse


Your Yearly Horoscopes for 2021

You shine with enthusiasm as the year 2021 rings in. Stay optimistic as you are likely to attract good reputation and wealth along with it. Small hiccups are foreseen in January and August regarding the tasks at hand but you will be able to come out victorious. Whenever you feel confused; just look within and gather your thoughts to how can you resolve this in your best capacity. Some of you are likely to step up the corporate ladder as seniors share an excellent feedback for you. Family gatherings, weddings, office parties and other social events are likely to keep you occupied throughout the year. Hard work pays off on the academic front as you manage to get through what you had been desperately waiting for. Family and friends are likely to be quite supportive in the third quarter as talking to them will take the weight off your heart. This is also going to be a phase to mend and heal the relationships that went sour on the social front. High expenditure is likely to buzz in June and July but things start stabilizing post that. A home loan that you are looking forward to is likely to be released. Health poses no major problems apart from some seasonal ailments that you may invite due to your own carelessness.

Dr Prem Kumar Sharma
Dr Prem Kumar Sharma

Dr. Prem Kumar Sharma has been providing astrological content to several leading Indian newspapers, TV channels and online publications for several years now.  He is also the author of several books on astrology and Vaastu Shastra. Rated among the top five astrologers of India by, Dr Sharma has received several awards for his contributions to astrology, including the prestigious Rashtriya Jyotish Shiromani Award by the All India Achievers Conference.
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Year 2021 is going to infuse immense confidence, zeal and harmony in all the aspects of life. Those planning to pursue higher education are likely to hear from the prestigious universities. A hike in salary can be expected in between March to May. A family vacation or a change of scene may be on your mind around March and September. Comfort and tranquillity at home can be experienced in the third quarter of the year. Lover is likely to appreciate the efforts being put in the relationship to make it better, happy and content. Those looking for a prospective alliance on the marital front are likely to find the second quarter quite interesting. Businessmen are likely to experience an extraordinary boost in their will power and finances in the last quarter. August and September would require you to socialize as much as you can to build strong connections that can benefit you in the long run. An ancestral property is likely to come in your name. Practicing meditation and yoga regularly will keep you hale and hearty.



2021 ensures luck and success in whatever you pick up. First quarter of the year would require you to shun off the laziness and get going. Commitments on the professional front are likely to be met to the satisfaction of all. Things pick up on the work front between February to April. Those in uniform are likely to hear of a choice posting as well in the second quarter. June and July would be an extra special phase to connect with someone likeminded. This period also promotes love, compassion and care between those married, paving way to an enhanced understanding of one another. April to June would be a phase to focus on your health and avoid over eating. Do not be afraid of dreaming big as fate favor’s you on the academic front. Your hard work is likely to bear fruits on the financial front as you manage to save a good amount this year. Investment in a residential property is likely to prove beneficial. Overseas trips are indicated in the second and last quarter of the year.



Year 2021 is going to be a year of new beginnings for Geminis. You are bound to initiate new things and keep up with them. Professionally, the first quarter may require you to be a bit more patient but is likely to bring new opportunities as the year progresses further. Kick off all the unnecessary worries and anxiety as it will only hamper your speed. Businessmen are likely to find April and May quite productive. Your urge to reconnect with nature is likely to make you explore new places between May to August. Love life appears to be charismatic as you become more creative. While good news is in store for some to get married; others may plan to start a new family around the second quarter of the year. Homemakers may get a chance to make some changes on the home front around June. Health would require attention; a holistic approach is likely to benefit you overall. Fix a regular exercising routine for yourself and try sticking to it religiously. Avoid taking any major decisions related to trading or selling a property between February to April. July and November appear to be good months to increase your finances.



The year 2021 requires you to be a bit more organized and embrace everything with a clarity of mind. Not every change is an uncomfortable one. Stars promise you to offer great things only if you are open to welcome them. You are likely to get closer to the one you like on the love front. Parents too are likely to approve of your relationship in the second half of the year. Professionally things are likely to get easier as you promise to be more disciplined. A change of job or a transfer is indicated around May. A promotion or starting a side business is indicated in the third quarter. Spending more time is indicated on the family front. A distant relative may come and stay with you for some time during the summers. A celebration in the family or extended family is also indicated during the same time. Devoting time and energy in meditation is likely to elevate your spiritual graph. Travelling for reunions or seeing good old friends is much indicated in the third quarter. April and September are wonderful months to purchase a property or a vehicle.



Turn on the victory mode as the year 2021 is likely to get you many opportunities to excel. Fame is in store for those playing sports. A recognition is likely for those with an artistic inclination. Prioritize health above anything else in the first quarter. A mentor is likely to give you tips to grow on the academic front. New associations are foreseen between February and March. Hard work pays off between April to June as you are in for a promotion. You are also likely to hear of a new job opportunity in a different city during this phase. A salary hike is indicated somewhere between September to December. Any pending loans are also likely to be paid off during this phase. You would need to balance your social life with your work life. Avoid any misunderstandings on the love front around May. Wedding bells for the eligible are likely to ring between April and September. Housewives may plan to take up some part time courses to upgrade their skillsets. Travelling abroad for work is also indicated during May, September or November.



Learning and growing is likely to be your mantra in the year 2021. Concentrating on things at hand would be important on the work front. Seniors at the workplace are watching you and they like what they see. Freshers are likely to hear of job opportunities between April to June. Someone is likely to succumb to your wit and charm on the love front. A potential marriage proposal for the eligible can be expected in the first quarter. Those married should be careful around July as simmering tensions may rise to the surface. Third quarter of the year can keep you occupied in changing your place of residence. Expenses may be on the rise between February to June but you will have enough to manage it well. Although financial stability is assured between August to October. Investment in a commercial property around September appears to be a monetary delight. Someone is likely to mentor you on the health front. Avoid focussing on the health supplements and stick to the traditional methods to regain optimum health. Your social circle is likely to expand in the second half of the year.



Welcome the year 2021 with a positive and cheerful approach. Consistent self-motivation is likely to keep you steady and empowered. Your ever smiling nature is likely to connect you well with people from all age groups. Overall, the financial health appears to be stable and convenient except between August and October where you should save yourself from frivolous spending. You can depend on the connections you have built in the previous year. Some of you are likely to enter a beautiful romantic phase between April to June. Those already in love may plan to take their relationship to the next level. Revisiting old friends and hobbies may be on your mind. You will be able to maintain an equilibrium on the personal and professional front throughout the year except the second quarter where you may be hard pressed to meet certain deadlines. Those working in the sales and marketing field will get to travel more in the second half. Buying things for home may be on your mind. There is a significant possibility to redo or upgrade a property. Health of the self or some near one may be a cause of concern in the last quarter of the year.



Your innovative ideas are likely to make you outshine on the career front in the first quarter. Everything goes well professionally except for March and April where you should avoid falling prey to someone’s game plans. Keep things to yourself that are entrusted to you by those who matter at the workplace. Try maintaining a low profile on the romantic front around May and June. Those dating someone are likely to tag themselves through a formal commitment and approval from the families. Investments done in the past are likely to yield good results. Avoid playing the stocks between June to August. Bonus from the employer towards the end of the year is likely to strengthen the bank balance. Refrain from taking any new decisions on the business front in February and October. A new fitness regimen is likely to work wonders. A home remedy is likely to work magically well in treating those suffering from allergies or breathlessness. Those appear for competitive exams are likely to find July and August as a period of tremendous achievement and success. Be thorough with the documentation on the property front and avoid taking anything on the face value. Construction and renovation work would work with a speed of light between October to December.



You shine with enthusiasm as the year 2021 rings in. Stay optimistic as you are likely to attract good reputation and wealth along with it. Small hiccups are foreseen in January and August regarding the tasks at hand but you will be able to come out victorious. Whenever you feel confused; just look within and gather your thoughts to how can you resolve this in your best capacity. Some of you are likely to step up the corporate ladder as seniors share an excellent feedback for you. Family gatherings, weddings, office parties and other social events are likely to keep you occupied throughout the year. Hard work pays off on the academic front as you manage to get through what you had been desperately waiting for. Family and friends are likely to be quite supportive in the third quarter as talking to them will take the weight off your heart. This is also going to be a phase to mend and heal the relationships that went sour on the social front. High expenditure is likely to buzz in June and July but things start stabilizing post that. A home loan that you are looking forward to is likely to be released. Health poses no major problems apart from some seasonal ailments that you may invite due to your own carelessness.



Year 2021 is going to be a year to cherish coordination and teamwork. Working together with people can be both challenging as well as wonderful. The first quarter itself teaches you the art of delegation and you may experience great results working in collaboration with others. Those working in fashion industry or retail sector are also up for a surprise during this period. February and April are going to be particularly exciting for those planning to start something of their own. People working in service industry are in for a promotion somewhere in the second quarter. As much as the hard work intensifies so do your finances as monetary gains are likely to multiply in the second and the third quarter. This will also be a good phase to move from a rented apartment to a place that you own. Buying a new vehicle for spouse or children is also possible during this period. A little compromise on the love front is likely to sprinkle a fresh air of positivity in your relationship. Those in long distance relationships can also take a plunge to get married in the second quarter. Cupid is likely to smile on those single between August and October. Avoid being careless on the health front especially during May, August and October. A family elder may demand your time and attention in the last quarter. A dispute related to an ancestral property is likely to come in your favour between September to November.



It’s a mixed bag for Aquarius in the year 2021. You would want to do something different and unique in January and February but would again get back to the conventional ways as the year progresses further. Your interpersonal relationships on the work front improve and you may be offered an opportunity to lead on the professional front. Higher ups are likely to reward you for the efforts put in around August and September. Financial gains hold you in a good stead throughout the year but you would need to concentrate on your savings between May to July. The second quarter of the year may find you too deeply involved emotionally. Watch out what you say and how you react as people around you may be observing you. Those singles are likely to spark up the relationship with someone who shares common interests with you. Those who were going through a rough patch on the marriage front in the previous year are likely to find the relationship improving around May and June. Those newly married may share good news soon. Family appears to be supportive overall except for the period between June and September where a family youngster may not agree with your thoughts and plans. A family vacation or gathering is much indicated in the last quarter that is likely to lift up the good vibes. Stars encourage you to eat well and learn new methods to stay fit.



Everything that has hanging up in the air is likely to settle down now giving you oodles of joy. Whether it is personal or professional relationships – you are likely to become everyone’s favourite. You are likely to find an inspiration from a senior’s approach to handle things with ease. Those working on freelance basis are likely to find more projects popping in around May and June. Those engaged in import and export are likely to find July and August a bit taxing. Luck favours you on the love front. A wedding proposal for the eligible can be expected in the first quarter. Improvement is foreseen for those who were facing compatibility issues in their relationship. Financially, you got to be very careful in the second quarter where there is a possibility to make mistakes with a bad investment. This is also a phase when someone can ask you to lend money and you cannot refuse. Domestic harmony is maintained as you put in your best to make everyone smile. Children are likely to make you proud with their achievements in the first or third quarter. Disagreements with the extended family or distant relatives can hamper the peace of mind during September and October – do what makes the peace obvious! Third and the last quarter would find you in your mettle on the health front. This is going to be a phase when you start thinking seriously about this aspect. Some of you may want to give yourself an image makeover while other may have a plan to detox and rejuvenate.


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