NRI Pulse

Yearly Horoscopes for 2020

Dr Prem Kumar Sharma


ARIES: Year 2020 is likely to welcome you with a plethora of opportunities. May, June, October and November will be highly result oriented. You might be busy in preparations of some grand event anytime between September and November. You may also crack some beneficial real estate deal with the help of someone. You might also get a chance to plan a family holiday abroad. Health: This coming new year will be great in terms of health. You will have to be a bit careful about your health between September and November. In the mid of 2020, you might meet someone who will help you achieve fitness. You should make a habit of praying to God. It will provide you with mental and spiritual strength. Career: Those who are looking for job will get better opportunities from the beginning of 2020. Also if you are planning to change your employer then months of May and June will be favorable. Those are associated with IT, Media or Technology may get a chance to go abroad. Romance: Year 2020 will be fruitful for those who are eligible for marriage. Lovers will also find some courage to discuss their relationships with family members. Couples will have to exhibit mutual understanding in the months of June and July. Also it is advisable not to use harsh words with your loved ones. Good luck tip: Adding some holy water to your bathing water daily will be beneficial.

TAURUS: Year 2020 will be great in almost all the aspects. You will be financially and physically sound. People belonging to this Rashi, may also find great opportunities for investment and real estate deals. Especially the months of February, April, July and August will bring more prosperity. Health: You may share your fitness secret with some of your near and dear ones. Healthy lifestyle, yoga and pranayam will help you stay fit and strong. Avoid taking any chances with your digestive system in January and May. Also try to utilize your enthusiasm and energy towards something constructive. Career: You might get a chance to progress in your career. You may also get recognition for your hard work in the month of February and July. Any dispute or misunderstanding with seniors will get resolved in second half of the year 2020. Those who are associated with marketing and manufacturing industry, need to beware of office politics. Romance: Your married life will be full of satisfaction and you gain more concern and understanding amongst each other. Those who are single and looking for a bride/groom, should take their time and avoid making quick decisions. You may get assistance from a family member too regarding something crucial. Good luck tip: Feeding birds with soaked green moong every Wednesday will benefit.

GEMINI: Among all the good things that year 2020 is about to bring for you, the most prominent are a new home or a new vehicle. There will be happiness and harmony among family members and you will be able to fulfill your responsibilities in a good way. Your social circle is likely to expand and someone influential is also likely to help you crack a significant property deal. Months of April, August and September will be great for you. Health: Health looks to be on your side in 2020. While everything looks to be in your control but elders in the family may need your attention. Remaining calm and composed will elevate your aura overall. You may get inclined towards ayurveda and natural treatment and may benefit out of them as well. In the months of August and September, you may get rid of some prolonged health issue. Career: You will get a fair chance to exhibit your potential at work place. Those in transferable jobs may also hear of a transfer to their preferred location. Those looking for an onsite opportunity are going to find this year interesting and fruitful. You get to travel with your seniors. If you are an author or a poet then there are chances of you being awarded. Romance: Year 2020 will be great for the lovers. Those who are married should avoid getting into any kind of disagreements, especially in the months of May and June. Avoid getting frustrated or irritated, stay calm. Good luck tip: Distribute sweets among poor every Tuesday.

CANCER: The year 2020 will sparkle cancerians with good financial profits. Some good decisions are expected on the domestic front. Months of January, March, April and October are good. Avoid any extra expenditure in the month of October. You may purchase some new gadgets. Always consult someone before investing in property matters. April looks to be significant in bringing an upward trend in your finances. Someone is likely to help you in skill enhancement or mentor you on the academic front. Health: “Health is wealth” – this is what you need to remind yourself every day. Take care of your health in the months of May and June You will be able to get rid of health issues by following a balanced diet and doing regular work out. Those suffering from skin problems are likely to find relief. Career: A new business venture is likely to fetch good profits. Significant developments on the career front are foreseen in the month of March and April. Your efforts will be noticed by the higher ups and some of you may be rewarded well. Those working in the legal sector are likely to find good opportunities in the second quarter. Romance: Marriage prospects open for the singles in the months of March and April. Partner will be supportive and will help you take some good decisions. There can be mild disagreements in the months of September and November. You may please your spouse by giving a beautiful gift. For those who are married, the months of February and March are best for family planning. Good luck tip: Add some basil leaves in drinking water.

LEO: The year 2020 is the time to do something new and achieve new heights. Consulting your parents while making any important decision will help. Financially, this year will be great, especially for those who deal in commissions and royalties. The months of March, April, September and October will be crucial. The month of September will be great for any real estate deal. Health: Being concerned about your health helps you stay fit. Someone may look upto you for fitness tips. A regular fitness regime will also help you build a larger network. Those who are suffering from Diabetes or Blood pressure related issues will get a better guidance in the mid of the year. Career: This year will bring a positive energy in the workplace. Colleagues will be supportive and your hard working attitude is likely to bag you the due recognition. In the months of March or September, some of you may get promoted. Romance: This year will be great for romantic relationships. You will try your best to attract your love interest. There are chances to visit a beautiful place with your spouse. You may get to hear some good news from your ‘in-laws’. You should be determined to enjoy each and every moment with the one you love. Good Luck Tip: Donate blankets to the needy ones.

VIRGO: Year 2020 is going to be full of enthusiasm for the Virgos. If you are planning to buy some property, it will be better if you buy it on the name of any of your family members. Children in the family will bring some good news. The months of June, July and October will be fruitful. Be careful in financial matters and avoid any kind of extravagant expenditure. Health: It will be a great year in terms of health. You will succeed in managing your weight by doing regular workout. You are likely to get rid of an illness that has been troubling you for long. Women may want to be a little more experimental and try something new with their looks. Career: Prolonged career issues will be resolved. Colleagues will be helpful. This year is good for you if you are planning to start a new business. Your family will also support you. For engineering and law students, there are great chances of getting a good job. You may get appraisals in the months of April or September. Romance: It is a great year for romantic relationships and you may get chance to travel to a beautiful place with your lover/spouse. Those in a distant relationship are likely to take their relationship to a next level. Set your heart free and express your feelings in the best way possible. Good luck tip: Donate milk to the needy ones.

LIBRA: Happiness awaits you with the beginning of the year 2020. The period from February to May will bring the much desired results that you have been waiting for long. All pending jobs will be accomplished. You will get to meet some highly reputed people and it will take your business to places. The entire year will be great financially. You may also get a chance to meet some of your relatives living abroad. A family function is expected. Months of April, May, July and December will be fruitful. Health: Do try to include positive thoughts like love, care, empathy and optimism in your life. They will have a good impact on your health as well. March and April are likely to make you worry about your expenditure on medicines. Be careful about your diet, practice Yoga and avoid negative thinking. Career: The months of March and December are best for buying a new office space. This year will bring financial profits and you should not be worried about business expenditures as they may result in long term profits. Staying updated with the latest communication technology trends will be beneficial. People in sales and marketing job can get a new prestigious project. Your relationship with seniors is likely to improve. Romance: This year will be great for your romantic aspirations. You will succeed in impressing others with your personality. Married life will be full of satisfaction and content. The month of September can be the testing time for the lovers. Respecting the feelings of your spouse will result in better relationship. Good Luck tip: Offer besan laddoos on Tuesday to the children.

SCORPIO: Year 2020 asks you to quit worrying and instead learn to find happiness in anyone or anything that you come across. You will see your graph progressing on the professional and personal front. There are chances of getting a raise in income. The months of January, March, April and September will bring financial profits. Stars advise you to curb your spend thrift nature. A family member may not agree with your opinions; stay calm and composed. Health: Someone’s suggestion regarding your health will prove to be helpful. Practice yoga and meditation to stay healthy. It will also make you incline towards spirituality. There might be some minor health issues that may bother you for a day or two. But you will overcome them. Maintain regular with ENT check ups. Avoid being careless regarding your health especially in the last quarter of the year. Career The year is good for your professional life. You will be able to make your mark due to your hard work. Awards and accolades are in store for some. You should maintain patience and concentrate on your work. You might get to travel due to some pending job in the second quarter. Romance You may get a chance to travel abroad with your lover. Those looking for true love can find the last quarter of the year quite an interesting one. You will gain confidence due to unconditional support of your spouse. Those in long term relationships are likely to get married. Good luck tip: Avoid water leakage in home. Place sea salt in bathroom to avoid negative energy.

SAGITTARIUS: This year may bring mixed results. You may be busy with your work during March to July. Your financial prospects starts brightening mid year onwards. Your valuable suggestions will prove important to your family members. Beware of strangers while travelling. Pending property cases may get resolved. Health: Stop worrying unnecessary on the health front. You must understand that off late stress is becoming an ingredient in your daily routine. Stars advise you to involve yourself more to people and situations that bring out your best version. A prolonged treatment can come to an end as you start finding relief in alternate therapies. Avoid solo trips, if possible. Career: July and August look to be significant months in opening new career avenues for yourself. Some of you may hear of graph changing appraisals and promotions. Your hard work will be appreciated and you may also receive a pat on the back. Your business trips may prove fruitful this year. Romance: Happiness and content would be the main highlights on your love front. Those newly married are likely to develop a better understanding and concern towards each other. Unnecessary debates should be avoided especially in the second quarter. Some of you may have to put in extra efforts to convince the lover’s family to agree about your relationship. Newlywed couples may be busy in future planning. Good luck tip: Pray to your deity before leaving the house.

CAPRICORN: The results in 2020 will be worth the hard work and enthusiasm you put in this year. Some of you are likely to hear of a long term onsite opportunity and may get a chance to travel with your family. Your positive attitude will impress those around you. Advice of an elder is likely to prove beneficial while investing in real estate. Health: The year requires you to get serious on the health front. Following a mentor will help you shape well on your fitness level. Avoid taking shortcuts and be disciplined with the required medication. Home remedies will become handy to counter seasonal ailments. Career: Extraordinary gains on the business front is likely to boost your morale. Chances of promotion will place you better in the professional arena. Money is likely to flow in from various sources. Someone’s recommendation can help find a job to those who are looking for one. Romance: Lovers may tie knot this year. Some impromptu travel plans are likely to keep the relationship sparkling. Elders appear to be supportive of your relationship. Newly weds may have to make certain compromises in the third quarter. Good luck tip: Donate oil in Shani Mandir on every Saturday.

AQUARIUS: Stars advice you to focus more on the pros than the cons. You may experience happiness along with some stressful moments. Do not let problems overcome your confidence. You may get good news in the month of June and there are chances of getting ownership of your ancestral property. Avoid a long trip in the month of November and keep your important documents handy and safe. Health: This year may incline you towards a healthy lifestyle. Eating junk food may not go well with your system. You should focus more on your health in the months of May and August. Do not let stress of others affect you. Alternate therapies are likely to come to your rescue in fighting with issues troubling the health front since long. Career: You may achieve your goals if you belong to sports. You should be more careful if you are in export or import business. Students who are preparing for competitive exams may get good results. Software engineers may get opportunity to work abroad. Romance: Your responsibilities may increase this year and your spouse will be supportive to it. You may get chance to meet your ex this year. Cupid’s arrow finds those who are single. Good luck tip: You should wear Silver necklace or chain.

PISCES: Year 2020 will be the year of your dreams. Hard work that you had put in the year 2019 will bring positive outcomes in 2020. Year 2020 will be full of excitement as whatever you touch turns gold. January, February, August, and September may prove extremely productive. Investment in commercial property would help you reap more benefits. Writers and poets are likely to receive awards and appreciation for their work. Health: You should take some time out for entertainment as well rather than just focusing on work. You will be able to get rid of extra body weight with the help of a dietician. Balancing both your diet and work out will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. The support of some partners will help you in taking regular walks. Career: This year will be full of opportunities for people who are in job. Businessmen will get to sign new business deals but may have to work hard to accomplish them. Those who are in government job may get transferred to a new place. Those aspiring to take politics as a full time career are likely to meet someone who will mentor them for it. Romance: The period from March to May is good for romance. Newly-weds may plan to apply for PR and move abroad. Those around you may not approve of you live-in relationship ideas or thoughts. Those still trying to impress someone from the opposite camp are likely to find luck favoring them. Good luck tip: Donate some stationary to children as many times as possible.