NRI Pulse


Worried about Travel Medical Insurance Prices for Visitors Coming to the USA? 5 Tips on How to Save!

It’s not uncommon to worry about insurance premiums. After all, you are paying good money upfront to cover a risk that may or may not happen. A traveler can buy visitors insurance dozens of times and never need it (if they’re lucky), but when they do need it, they are extremely glad they did, and they never doubt the value of visitors insurance again.

Still, we all want to know we’re getting the best deal possible – with all the discounts we can manage. What follows are tips to save money when you buy visitors insurance for yourself or for other members of your family.

Don’t Accept ‘opt-ins’ on Booking Sites

The insurance options offered on ‘opt-ins’ on booking sites, where you purchase airline tickets or other travel reservations, are standard plans that don’t really cover a traveler’s needs. In fact, travel experts recommend buying travel medical insurance on an independent insurance comparison site where you can be sure you have the coverage you need.

Use a Visitors Insurance Comparison Site

Using a visitors insurance comparison site like gives you the opportunity to select plans that fit your needs, compare the coverage of multiple plans side-by-side, and get the best coverage for your money. If the traveler has a medical condition, you can choose a plan to fit that need. If the traveler will be driving abroad, wants to try skiing, , you can get the coverage you need with a little research time on a comparison site.

Choose a High Policy Maximum Limit

While it might seem better to choose a low medical limit and reduce the premium – it is more beneficial to choose higher a medical limit. Medical care in the U.S. is extremely expensive and there is no free medical care in America;  everyone must have some form of health insurance or pay for their medical treatment out-of-pocket. If you are a sponsor, you could be held liable for a visitor’s medical bills and your visa could be compromised if the visitor gets injured, suddenly ill, or needs medical care.

Don’t Buy Coverage You Don’t Need

While many visitors insurance plans are packaged so you get the coverage that’s listed. whether you want it or not, you can make choices in some cases. If you can avoid buying coverage for things you have already covered or coverage that you might not need, you’ll save on your premium. For example: hazardous sports coverage. If your parents are coming to America, they do not need hazardous sports coverage since they will not be involved in activities like bungee jumping or skiing. Avoiding this coverage will help you bring down the premium.

Select the Right Deductible

A number of factors affect the cost of travel insurance and the deductible is one of them.  Many travel insurance policies offer various deductibles to select from, but picking up the right deductible will provide you with less risk and liabilities.  Choosing a high deductible can lower your premiums but increase your liability. For example: If you are buying a comprehensive insurance, selecting a higher deductible can lower your premium. but if you are buying a limited coverage plan, selecting a lower deductible would be more beneficial.

This article is the copyright of, an online platform to get quotes, compare plans, and buy travel insurance that best suits your needs. For more information visit our website: or call 1-866-384-9104.

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