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'Life in resonance’ celebrated at 10th annual BAPS women’s conference

Atlanta, GA: In physics, resonance is defined by a phenomenon that follows when a powerful, vibrating system causes another system to oscillate with greater amplitude at a specific frequency. In life, resonance is defined by the innate beliefs and timeless principles that drive an individual’s actions as well as his/her physical and mental state of mind. Harmony within mind and body resonate harmony within our surroundings.

This year, the tenth annual BAPS Women’s Conference at BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir inLilburn,Georgiaprovided a renewed approach to more than 600 attendees on balancing three major aspects of one’s life through the theme of “Life in Resonance”: cultural identity, work-life balance, and emotional health.  In today’s world, everyone is constantly striving for balance, whether it be at school, work, or at home. While self-help books and online forums can be great sources of inspiration for those seeking this type of balance; open discussions among peers can often have a greater impact in making this a more achievable goal.

Dr. Angelina Mehta, a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and Staff Sergeant in the United States Marine Corps Reserve, and Kirna Parikh, a retired mother of three, were  two of the selected speakers who delivered insightful messages on building pride in one’s identity through confidence in one’s intrinsic beliefs and practices.  Dr. Mehta shared, “Embracing who I am as a culture and an individual with pride allows me to more openly accept and appreciate everyone else I encounter.  By maintaining our culture, and appreciating others’ cultures, we are an artistically tasteful society. ”

Circling the ever-debatable topic of maintaining a work-life balance, a panel discussion moderated by Sweeney Patel, explored various practical methods and solutions, including self-introspection, for seeking clarity and filtering out purposeful priorities from our chaotic lives. The panelists also pressed on the importance of family harmony for one to realize themselves as a part of ‘we’ and ‘ours’ versus ‘I’ and ‘mine’.

In order for us to truly be able to entertain any sense of progress, we must take care of our body. Dr. Heena Bhatt, a Doctor of Ayurvedic Medicine, discussed if our health fails it can overshadow everything else we do. She explored how diet and exercise influence the body, and in turn the mind. Lastly, the delegates were reminded of the immense power that spirituality holds in practicing the above-mentioned principles of self-awareness and introspection by Mrs. Avani Patel, a Registered Nurse. The knowledge, that in the end, we leave everything behind in this temporary world, allows us to remain grounded and unperturbed through the wavering highs and lows in our life.  This knowledge is quintessential for a content mind and a healthy self.

The conference was then addressed by the keynote speaker, Pragya Singh, wife of Consul General of India, Nagesh Singh. Having traveled and lived in different countries in various parts of the world, Singh shared, “One thing that I have learned through my experiences is that no matter where you live or where you come from, each culture provides you something novel and valuable.”

Spreading this message of science, practicality and spirituality across the nation, the conference was held in 12 cities with attendees from various personal and professional backgrounds.  Panel discussions and Q&A sessions enabled the speakers to effectively communicate their experiences and thus, enrich the audience with practical applications to bring balance into their lives. The conference delegates were reminded not only of the necessity for maintaining stability, but also of their inherent strengths which allow them to pursue this very goal.

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