1 Cup white sesame (skinless) seeds
1⁄2 Cup brown sugar
2 Tablespoons maple or any pancake syrup
Method: Roast the sesame seeds in dry pan until light brown over low heat. Transfer them to a bowl and let them cool completely.
Blend the seeds in a blender or pulse for thirty seconds on high speed, mixing once. Add brown sugar and blend or pulse for another thirty seconds. It is okay if you have a few seeds left. Remove the powder from the blender into a bowl and mix the syrup and powder. Make 12 to 14 lime size balls.
Note: This is a very quick sweet to make with only three ingredients. You can add a few finely chopped pistachio nuts. If you don’t have any syrup add 2 tablespoons more brown sugar. Add a few drops of milk or water to make balls.