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Indian-American physicians lobby for Vivek Murthy

Dr. Sampat Shivangi, Dr. Jayesh Shah, President of AAPI, Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, president-elect of AAPI, Dr. Harbhajan Ajrawat with Dr. Vivek Murthy on Capitol Hill.

Washington, Feb 4 (IANS) Leaders of American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) have met with key US senators seeking their support for the confirmation of Vivek Murthy as the US Surgeon General.

Murthy, 36, is the first Indian-American physician to be nominated by President Barack Obama to the prestigious job of what is sometimes called “America’s doctor”.

If confirmed by the US Senate, Murthy will become the 19th surgeon general. A graduate of Yale University, where he earned a medical degree and an MBA, he will also be the youngest person to hold the office established in 1871.

As the US Surgeon General, Murthy will be the leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the US and the operational head of the 6,500-strong US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, one of the seven uniformed services including army, navy, air force and marines.

AAPI leaders Monday met with Senators Tim Scott, Mike Enzi, Lamar Alexander, Mark Kirk, Orrin Hatch, Pat Roberts, and Rand Paul ahead of Murthy’s confirmation hearing Tuesday.

“AAPI is proud to support the nomination of Dr. Vivek Murthy as the US Surgeon General,” AAPI president Jayesh B. Shah said noting it “cements the reputation physicians of Indian origin have across America.”

Murthy’s nomination has been hailed by the influential Indian-American physician community, consisting of over 100,000 strong physicians of Indian origin in the US, who provide health care services to nearly one in every seven patients in the US.

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