Atlanta, GA: An Indian-American physician, Dr Jay Varkey, is treating the American doctor infected with the deadly Ebola virus atEmoryUniversityHospital’s Infectious Disease Unit.
“I can’t think of a better place in the world, other than Emory University Hospital to care for this patient,” Dr Varkey told 11alive News recently. “The team at the Infectious Disease Unit as been training for years.”
“We are ready. We are looking to trying to help this patient and assist his family in anyway possible,” Dr. Varkey added, “the good news is the preparation goes beyond 48 hours. This is something we’ve been practicing for, for the 12 years our unit has been involved.”
The special isolation room at the unit has been used in the past including in 2005 for patients with SARS, reported 11alive.
The patient’s family will not be able to visit him, but due to a glass partition and intercom, the family can watch and speak with the patient.
Meanwhile the second American aid worker diagnosed with Ebola in West Africa was brought back to the US for treatment Tuesday, according to media reports.
Nancy Writebol arrived in a private plane equipped with a unique containment unit at Dobbins Air Force Base near Atlanta Tuesday morning. She will join colleague Kent Brantly in a special isolation unit at Atlanta’s Emory University Hospital, Xinhua reported citing US media reports.
SIM, the aid group with which Writebol serves, said she “remains in serious, but stable, condition”.
Writebol was serving on a joint medical team in Liberia with Brantly of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization, when they both contracted the virus.
Brantly was brought back by the same medical evacuation plane Aug 2 for treatment.
According to Samaritan’s Purse, Brantly is “in good spirits” and his condition “is improving.”