NRI Pulse

What's Cooking?

Gup Chips

What's Cooking? by P.S. Lakshmi Rao

1 & 1/2 cups all purpose flour

1/8 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoons oil

1/4 cup warm water

3/4 cup brown sugar or jaggery

1/4 cup warm water

1/2 teaspoon crushed cardamom seeds

1/2 teaspoon home made ghee( optional)

Oil for deep frying

Mix flour and salt in a bowl. Heat oil in a small pan and pour it over the flour. Mix well until no lumps. Add warm water to the flour/salt mixture and knead for three minutes. Keep it covered for 10 minutes. Make marble sized smooth balls or make one inch diameter long ropes and cut them into half inch pieces. Place flour  on the palms of your hands and gently roll  each piece into a ball.

Heat oil in a small heavy pan on medium heat. For the first batch, fry four or five gup chips until light brown. Remove them from the oil and place them on to a paper lined plate. Fry the rest of the gup chips ten or twelve at a time depending on the size of the frying pan. Set them aside with first batch.

In a three quart sauce pan, mix sugar and water. Keep it on the stove on medium high heat and cook until the syrup becomes thick. (Put a drop of syrup on a plate. If it becomes a soft ball the syrup is ready). Remove pan from the heat. Add ghee, (if using) cardamom powder and gup chips.

Mix gently until all the gup chips are coated with syrup. Transfer them on to a greased plate to cool. Store them in a glass bottle to keep them fresh and crispy for a week.

Makes 4 servings.

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