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Dr. Naresh Parikh assumes charge as President of AAPI during 36th annual convention in Ohio

Columbus, Ohio: July 12, 2018: Dr. Naresh Parikh, a cardiologist, entrepreneur, leader, and community activist, assumed charge as President of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) during the historic 36th annual convention at the Greater Columbus Convention Hall on Saturday, July 7th night as the convention came to a conclusion with the gala attended by over 1,700 delegates from across the nation.
Along with Dr. Parikh, his executive committee consisting of Dr. Suresh Reddy, President-Elect; Dr. Sudhakar Jonnalagadda, Vice President;  Dr. Anupama Gotimukula, Secretary; Dr. Anjana Samadder, Treasurer; and Dr. Ajeeth Kothari, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, were administered the oath of office as the AAPI delegates cheered loudly wishing them the best in the upcoming year.
As the President of AAPI, “I will dedicate my time, energy and skills to maintain the integrity of AAPI and promote membership database and scrub data. We will work together encouraging and motivating more and more Physicians and Dentists to join AAPI and work towards increase in AAPI membership representing all sections, including, women, young and old, while providing enhanced membership benefits including liability insurance carrier, billing, collection company, cardiac remote monitoring, and credit card transactions through reputed banking services. Our Mission and Motto for the upcoming year is “As your president I plan to invoke this year as the year of progress and balance,” the soft spoken Dr. Parikh declared in bis inaugural address.
Dr. Parikh was gracious in acknowledging the contributions of Dr. Gautam Samadder, his predecessor. “I have enjoyed serving AAPI for all these years and it was a true pleasure this past year working in close association with Dr. Samadder. I have learned much from him and offer that as a Compliment for his achievements for AAPI,’ he said.
Dr Naresh Parikh with his wife Dr Asha.

Dr. Gautam Samadder, through a visual presentation summarized the many achievements of his year long presidency, including GHS in Kolkatta, Health Clinic inauguration in West Bengal, African safari, contributions to Veterans Obesity and Lukemia Society, India day parade and Leadership seminar, among the many others. He thanked his executive committee members, convention committee and all who have generously devoted their time, talent and resources for the success of the many programs he had initiated under his leadership.
“It’s been a humbling experience to work with an esteemed galaxy of AAPI leaders, leading this great organization, for the past year. With the active support of my executive committee and BOT members, I truly believe, I have been able to fulfill many of the priorities I had forth at the beginning of my presidency during the convention in New Jersey last year,” Dr. Samadder said.
Placing his confidence in the AAPI members who have elected him to lead this 37 years old organization, Dr. Parikh said, “AAPI has made great progress from a fledging association of the 1980s to what you see today, a robust, powerful medical organization in our country.
An organization is only as strong as its members make it and our AAPI membership is an incredible group of dedicated passionate individuals. I would like to congratulate the members of AAPI for their strength and the support they have given in its wings of flight.”
Graduated from Nagpur Medical College in 1972 and a cardiologist by profession, Dr. Naresh Parikh is serving as the CEO of Georgia Clinic, a multi-specialty organization, founded in 1998, serving patients from dozen locations. A practicing Cardiologist in Atlanta, Georgia for 30 years, Dr. Parikh was instrumental in starting IPA in 2016 with 53 participating providers and has been active in DRS ACO. Dr. Parikh is also involved with Cigna Health Spring as a counsel to improve Hedis score and improve MRA scoring for Georgia Physicians.
“I had started working as an ordinary member in 1986 with Georgia Association of physicians of Indian Origin and was elected President of GAPI, and then rose to be the Regional Director of AAPI SE and had served as a member of the BOT of AAPI. And today, I am honored and humbled by AAPI members, entrusting the largest ethnic medical organization, representing the over 100,000 physicians of Indian origin, with the responsibility of leading it to newer heights,” Dr. Parikh recalled.
Dr. Parikh been very active and leading several local and national level programs for AAPI in the past several years. He has been a Patron Member of the AAPI Charitable Foundation since 2006. His organizing skills were highly appreciated when he served as the Chair and Convener for AAPI annual convention in 2006. Dr. Parikh was the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Shankar Mahadevan and Sunidhi Chauhan concerts and was instrumental in successfully raising money for AAPI.
Not satisfied with growing professionally and contributing and leading AAPI, Dr. Parikh has been generous with his time, talents and resources towards charitable causes for long. Dr. Parikh has been devoting time energy towards several noble causes across the US and in Indihar. Parikh started Atlanta’s first Charitable Medical Clinic in 1996 and was the Medical Director for over 10 years. He has led and organized several healthcare fairs and contributed in fund raising events for AAPI in their mega shows by Shankar Mahadevan, Shreya Ghoshal and Hema Malini.
“It’s been an honor and privilege for me to be associated with AAPI because I recognize the tremendous potential and the lead role that is being played by AAPI in promoting friendship between India and the United States. As members of AAPI, we have not forgotten our roots and are engaged in several activities such as conducting Indo-US Healthcare Summit that has shown us a new trail in healthcare sector in India and will continue to pave way for new frontiers in public private partnership.” As the president of AAPI, which has been playing a major role in supporting noble causes around the world, Dr. Parikh’s goal “is to be actively engaged in the SEWAK project in India.”
In 2014, as the Treasurer of AAPI, Dr. Parikh had the honor of meeting with Hon. Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi to launch the Swasth India Portal. In the same year, he had sponsored the screening of the popular movie in Atlanta – “The Ship to Theseus” and helped to raise awareness about the need for organ donation. In 2015 Dr. Parikh sponsored the community reception of Vikas Swarap – writer of Slum Dog Millionaire, a winner of 8 Academy awards. Since 2017 onwards, he is serving as the President of Georgia Gujarati Doctors and Dental Association.
Dr. Parikh has been in the forefront in helping AAPI sign MOUs with Rajkot, Gujarat, India Thalassemia Major Koticha Foundation; and with Rajkot, Gujarat, India Kidney Research Foundation; and with AAPNA, BMANA – Formation of “SAPNA”.

Thalassemia Major is a devastating disease, prevalent in Southern part of Gujarat. India. An NGO, Koticha Foundation is doing an excellent service for the Community.  AAPI has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) whereby, we have made an appeal to the Ministry of Health to make mandatory blood screening before marriage or high school/college admissions.
AAPI recently opened a charitable clinic in Panvel, Mumbai, MS known as Tara Clinic and is being sponsored by Naresh and Asha Parikh Foundation in collaboration with AAPI Charitable Foundation. This clinic is serving residents from the Panvel tribal community which is about 2 hours away from South Mumbai.
During a historical event on Jan 27th, 2018 in Miami, FL, Dr. Naresh Parikh, along with the immediate past President Dr. Gautam Sammader and AAPI Strategy Advisor Anwar Feroz Siddiqi, was installed as a Founding Member.
Dr. Parikh initiated a strategic and symbolic “Singing of MOU with Physician of Pakistani and Bangladesh origin with AAPI in Feb 2018 In Miami, Florida. This brings about a non-binding alliance of three south Asian physicians groups that will help support strategic and agreed upon programs that impact health and wellbeing of South Asians, such as addressing the higher incidence of heart diseases in South Asians.
Dr. Parikh said, he will form a national panel and advisory committee to help and guide the international medical graduates from South Asia. He wants to have an alliance of 10 percent of the nation’s doctors, the group can be more engaged in mainstream policy through the American Medical Association. Efforts will also include civic engagement in health fairs and providing telemedicine services to South Asian nations.
Dr. Parikh wants to address three key priorities for the year July 2018 to June 2019: Opioid epidemic and awareness, to be coordinated by Dr. Kavita Gupta and Dr. Sanjay Gupta; Lymphoma and Leukemia Research, under the leadership of Dr. Vinod Shah; and, the Silent Epidemic, TB in India, with a major focus at The Global Health Summit to be held from Dec 28th to   30th in Mumbai. Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar, Dr. Manoj Jain of CDC and Chief Strategy Adviser of AAPI Anwar Feroz Siddiqi have been instrumental in coordinating this new initiative with the USAID and with various agencies in India. He plans to continue the “work initiated by past president Dr. Ravi Jahagirdar on Traumatic Brain Injury as we all know India is leading capital of roadside auto accidents resulting in deaths.”
He wants to continue to support past president Dr. Narendra Kumar’s project of Dr Ramesh Kumar Foundation for trauma rescue initiative in Kerala. Also, Dr. Parikh pledged to “work on Atherosclerosis prevention and education within Indian population, which is also very dear to me. Georgia Clinic will be doing research on patients in Atlanta Metro.”
Dr. Parikh was instrumental in launching of a new partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to end tuberculosis (TB) in India. Under the Memorandum of Understanding, signed earlier this year in New Delhi and announced in Mumbai, AAPI and USAID will work together to utilize the 100,000-strong network of physicians of Indian-origin living in the United States to support health programs in India, engage AAPI’s network of private charitable clinics for TB awareness, detection and treatment, and explore opportunities for collaborations between U.S. and Indian medical schools to exchange cutting-edge health care solutions.
Speaking about the USAID-AAPI collaboration, Dr. Naresh Parikh, President of AAPI, said: “Elimination of Tuberculosis has been a matter of national concern for many years now. Through our partnership with USAID, we aim to bring American technical expertise to help strengthen India’s fight against TB. Also, we intend to bring in leading subject matter experts, introduce global best practices and cutting-edge business solutions that will complement and grow existing USAID programs in India.”
In his efforts to make AAPI’s voice heard in the corridors of power, Dr. Parikh wants to continue “our ongoing and year around efforts to have a meaningful and convincing conversation with USA Lawmakers to increase Residency Slots for Physician of Indian origin that can help fill up slots and partner with USA in easing shortage of Physicians, particularly in underserved areas. This effort is being coordinated by Dr. Ajeet Singhvi who is very passionate about leading this initiative.
Dr. Parikh called upon the entire AAPI family to work towards staying united and for the betterment of the organization they all love dearly. “Let this year be a year of unity, progress and balance. Let us set aside all our differences and we all pledge to unite and work together as one team for betterment of AAPI and keep AAPI in balance,” he said.
As the President of AAPI, Dr. Parikh will “carry forward my duties of AAPI Office and keeping transparency, accountability and branding of AAPI. Under the current dynamic and dedicated team of executives, we strive to achieve higher standards for AAPI and to achieve our chosen agenda. I am committed to working with the AAPI Team to establish AAPI’s image in the US and globally.”
During the luncheon, Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthy, who spoke passionately about the fast-growing Indian American community, said, “The Indian-American community is often hailed as one of the most successful ethnic groups in the United States. According to census data, its members have obtained income and education levels far above the national average. But this socio-economic achievement has not translated into commensurate political clout, as shown, for example, by the community’s lack of success in federal elections.” He urged them to get actively involved in the political process of the nation. “We have the choice to be at the table or on the table. Given our heritage, we the Indian Americans belong at the table. Get actively involved in the affairs of the local community and that’s the path to larger role in the nation.”
Ambassador Sandeep Chakravarthy, Consul General of India in New York in his keynote address, praised the contributions of Indian American Physicians for their commitment, dedication and, especially for contributing to the advancement of Indo-US relationship. Describing it to be the “elephant in the Room, he spoke about how Artificial Intelligence is coming to play a key role in the healthcare sector. Dr. Parha Nandi, in his inspiring and motivational speech stressed the need for continuing to live one’s values in everyday decisions one makes despite challenges and fear of failures.
Dr. Ashok Jain, the outgoing Chair of BOT, delivered his address, enumerating the accomplishments of AAPI and wishing the new Team under Dr. Parikh all the best wishes. “As the Chairman of BOT of AAPI, it has been an eventful and exciting year for me and for all in AAPI. We have had many new beginnings and shutting down of some programs. We faced many challenges, specially cleaning up of voters list and membership list and conducting a smooth and peaceful election in 2018. During the past year, we have initiated many new projects and programs both here in the US and in India. Welcome to Dr. Kothari as the new BOT chairman. We all know, he is a man of principle and knows the bylaws by heart.  He is our new BOT CHAIR, and a great asset to AAPI. I wish Dr. Kothari and the new team under his leadership, and the new Executive committee under Dr. Naresh Parikh good luck and best wishes in the coming year,’ he said.
AAPI honored its own accomplished members for their excellence in respective areas. Dr. Atul Mehta was honored as the Most Distinguished Physician; Dr. Amit Chakraborty for his Distinguished Service; Dr. Jay Bhatt as the Most Distinguished Young Physician from YPS; and Dr. Rahul Damania as the Most Distinguished MSRF member. Research and Poster Contest winners were recognized and given cash awards. Dr. Kanuj Patel and Dr. Amu Susheela were declared the winners.
The India-focused CEO Forum discussed about concrete ways AAPI delegates can contribute to the growth of the nation. Children were engaged in several activities challenging their minds. A beautifully choreographed fashion show was a treat to the hearts and souls of all as beautiful women and handsome men cat walked wearing elegantly designed Indian attire.
Physicians of Indian Origin in the United States are reputed to be leading health care providers, holding crucial positions in various hospitals and health care facilities around the nation and the world. Known to be a leading ethnic medical organization that represents nearly 100,000 physicians and fellows of Indian Origin in the US and being their voice and providing a forum to its members to collectively work together to meet their diverse needs, AAPI members are proud to contribute to the wellbeing of their motherland India, and their adopted land, the United States. The convention is a forum to network, share knowledge and thoughts, and thus, enrich one another, and rededicate for the health and wellbeing of all the peoples of the world.
Dr. Naresh Parikh invited all delegates to come and participate at the 37th annual convention to be held in Atlanta, GA from July 3rd to to 7th 2019. And the Global Healthcare Summit is planned for December 28th to 30th, 2018 in Mumbai. We look forward to seeing you all in Atlanta, GA for the convention and for the GHS in Mumbai, India!” For more information on AAPI and the 36th convention, please visit:

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