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Atlanta Takes a Step to End Global Poverty at Partnership Walk / Run

Atlanta, GA: Today around 5,000 participants will race to end global poverty in the annual Atlanta Partnership Walk / Run at Centennial Olympic Park. The Atlanta Partnership Walk/Run is an initiative of Aga Khan FoundationU.S.A.(AKFUSA) to raise awareness and funds that reduce poverty, hunger, illiteracy and poor health in Africa andAsia.

Last year’s event raised over $1.1 million for AKFUSAprograms worldwide. 100% of the funds raised at Partnership Walk go directly to projects supported by the Foundation; not a cent is spent on administration.

The event is a day of fun for the whole family and one that Atlantans look forward to every year. It features a 5K Run (ages 13 and up), 1K Run (ages 7 – 12), 100-Yard Dash (ages 6 and under), and Walk (all ages).

The keynote speaker is Bernard Taylor, Sr. Member of National Board of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF. Serving as masters of ceremonies for the on-stage opening ceremonies are Craig Lucie, WSB-TV Anchor and Martin Savidge, CNN Anchor. This year’s 5K course is a certified USA Track & Field course and the race is a Certified Peachtree Road Race Qualifier! At this year’s Run, Country Rock Band Haley & Alexis will be giving a post-Run concert LIVE! The Walk will also include activities for all ages celebrating a rich diversity of cultures.

One of the most inspiring features of Partnership Walk is the Village in Action, where participants can enjoy fun exhibits spotlighting the Foundation’s practical solutions for alleviating poverty. There, you can test yourself in the Al-Azhar park maze, see a working model of a hydropower dam in Central Asia, and play games such as Kho Kho and Snake Tag in the maidaan. The Village in Action will also showcase arts and crafts activities along with a fun-filled mela. Look for the life size replica ofIndia’s magnificent Humayun’s Tomb, an Aga Khan Trust for Culture initiative.

To register, view the Walk / Run Day schedule, learn more about the event, volunteer, become a sponsor or make a donation, visit

This year marks the 20th anniversary for Partnership Walk events, which will be held in nine majorU.S.cities. Since 1995, PartnershipsInAction activities including the annual Partnership Walk and Golf events have attracted over 440,00 participants and raised over $63 million for poverty alleviation projects supported by AKF USA.

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