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Swami Nirbhayananda Sarawaswati, president of Ramakrishna Vivekananda Ashrams in Bijapur and Gadag was in Atlanta between Aug 8th and 15th delivering inspirational speeches throughout the week including one regarding India in commemoration of Indian Independence day, August 15th at the Global Mall. 

Speaking to a group of kids, Swamiji narrated the story of a lion cub that grows up among sheep and acts like one until another lion directs him act like a lion instead of the sheep. He later on went to explain that each of us have the potential to be lions, if we so wished and persevered to be so. The difference between Spirituality and Religion, a glimpse of the Upanishads were some of the other topics Swamiji talked about during his visit. In his speech about India at the Global Mall, Swamiji talked about Ancient India’s contribution to the world not just the spiritual aspect but also in the fields of science and technology quoting Max Muller “If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions, I should point to India”

Swamiji was invited to the US as an attendee of a conference organized by Center for Indic Studies at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth at the end of July 2010.The theme of the conference was to discuss Germany's interest in Vedantha. Germany has been evincing lot of interest in Advaita Vedanta and wants to treat it as universal philosophy and science instead of religion. The Conference was conducted to contemplate measures for equipping India to meet the newly arising requirements from Germany. In addition, he has been carrying out the tasks of organizing workshops for youth, teachers and women on his trip. 

Swamiji has represented India & Hinduism in the 4th World Parliament of Religions held in Barcelona, Spain from in 2004. He delivered a speech in the World Parliament on the subject "Educative Initiatives of India" and participated in a panel discussion with religious representatives and delegates from different countries. The same year Swamiji delivered lectures in different universities of France and Italy pertaining to the Philosophy of Vedanta. In 2006, Swamiji accepted an invitation from the Government of Italy for Inaugurating its National Cultural Festival - "TURIN SPIRITUALITY" in the city of Turin, Italy. Swamiji undertook a spiritual tour in 2006 to Italy, Switzerland and France where he spoke on subjects like "Indian Religion & World Peace", "Vedanta & Human Upliftment" among others of International importance. 

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