How important are diet and exercise in your daily schedule? We posed this question to some of our readers. Over to them.
Very important. Without proper diet and exercise, my day is not complete.
I follow a low-carb, high protein diet with strict fitness regimen. Every day, I swim around 50 minutes and life weights 5 X 7. On Saturdays I run 10 miles, swim two miles and bike 30 miles.
I have control over my weight for the past 10 year at 146 lbs. My health related goals were a result of my father's cardiac arrest and death. Cardiac diseases are hereditary in my family, and I am trying to avoid them.
-Parthiban Shanmugam
Exercise and diet have become an essential factor in my daily lifestyle. I used to be very lax about both; my eating habits included a lot of sweets, fatty food and food rich in carbohydrates. This led to a very sedentary lifestyle and in no time I had gained a lot of weight and lost interest in outside activities. I could see my life passing before my eyes and knew that I had to act. I went online and google became my best friend. I researched and started my journey towards a healthy lifestyle. I started with walking on the
treadmill and slowly incorporated strength training to my regimen. I tried some of the fad diets but they did not work for me in the long run. I am a food lover, so completely stopping my favorite foods did not work, so I started portion control. This changed my life; I became more active, happier and lost around 50 pounds.
Exercise has become a passion now. I exercise daily (at least 1hr of cardio and strength training three times a week) and eat more veggies and protein in my meals. I still eat sweets and carbohydrates but try to restrict the portions and eat a balanced meal. Before, I did not even walk a mile but now I am going to run a half marathon in October.
-Nirjari Dalal, researcher at Emory
I do not have a diet regimen but certainly have exercise targets. I am an avid road runner. I easily get bored with running on the treadmill. For this year, 2011, I plan to run not less than 750 miles on the road. This breaks down to approximately 15 miles per week. I cannot say that this is the greatest plan. But it certainly keeps my mind calm!
-Harish Iyer, CPA
Diet and exercise are extremely important in my daily schedule. I start my day with a healthy breakfast- oatmeal with a dash of brown sugar along with orange juice is my favorite. I have always been conscious of my weight so apart from the time when I was pregnant, I have always been at my target weight range. I walk about five miles three times a week. Also, I am very active at work and always on the move. A positive attitude and energetic approach to life, keeps me healthy and fit.
Our regular diet at home consists of a lot of fish. I love to cook and as such we don’t eat much fast food. Even my children love home cooked food. I think it is crucial that people don’t rely completely on fast food as over the long term it can result in unhealthy outcomes.
-Adrita Khanna, Pageant director, Mrs. India International 2010
Diet and exercise are both important parts of my lifestyle. I always advise people to watch their diet, not only for a couple of weeks but to make it a lifestyle change. I suggest working out five days a week for an hour each day, and to incorporate enough protein in your diet. If you want to build muscle weight, you should do heavy weights. The trick is to do more weights with less repetition (three of four times each). But if you want to lose weight, light weights with more repetitions (20 to 25 reps) and 30-45 minutes of cardio will get you to your weight loss goal. Make sure you stretch before you work out.
-Prem Rahman, Silent Killers/Prem Studio
I focus a lot on diet, except when delicious food is around, especially over the weekend. I have an exercise schedule, although I must confess that the plan does get derailed at times. Each time I get off the exercise schedule, it takes me longer to get back into the routine.
-SB Rath, Desi Roots